Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q: Surely the City of Chelsea would manage our retention pond if we asked them to?

A: We have asked the City of Chelsea if we would be interested in maintaining our detention pond and the answer is no. The official letter from the City Manager.

Q: Is it permissible to park on the grass in front of my house?

A: No, you may only park on the driveway of the residence per the City of Chelsea Zoning Ordinance section 8.11-B.1:

Residential Districts. In the R-1, R-2, R-3, and MH-1 districts, off-street parking is prohibited in any required yard except parking for a single- or two-family dwelling is permitted on the driveway of the residence.

Q: How often are the drains in the retention pond inspected?

A: Debris should be removed annually. The Board is looking into hiring someone to perform this maintenance for Spring 2023.

Q: When will the retention pond be mowed?

A: The pond is brush-hogged annually, surrounding grass is as-needed. A company is contracted to do both of these.

Q: Who maintains the sidewalks?

A: The City of Chelsea will maintain the sidewalks.

Q: Who takes care of the trees in the treelawn area of each property?

A: The City of Chelsea will maintain the trees. Call the city to have a maintenance worker trim branches overhanging the sidewalk. You can also trim them yourself if you’re able to reach the limbs.

Q: Does the HOA need to be notified, along with the City of Chelsea, of any home remodeling?

A: Yes, the HOA Board needs to be notified if your changes have to do with areas controlled in the Village Glen Deeds and Restrictions (e.g., changes to decks, front steps, fences, porches, etc.)